Here are logos that you can use on your website:
Logo image for use on dark backgrounds (download file)
Logo image for use on light backgrounds (download file)
Below is sample text that you can add to your website.
Practice PRO:
We have partnered with Reimbursify for you to easily submit your claims for out-of-network health insurance reimbursement at no cost for this practice. Download the app to get started today:
Practice PLUS:
We have partnered with Reimbursify for you to easily submit your claims for out-of-network health insurance reimbursement at no cost for this practice. Download the app to get started today:
Practice BASIC:
We have partnered with Reimbursify for you to easily submit your claims for out-of-network health insurance reimbursement from your smartphone. Download the app and get your first claim free:
For more, please visit: How do I integrate Reimbursify into my Practice?