All claims that you file will initially appear in the "Sent to Insurance" section of the Reimbursify mobile app, as in the illustration, below:

Claims will move to the "Processed by Insurance" section of the Reimbursify app under 2 conditions.

1. You enable the "Automatic Claim Status Updates" feature in our app following the instructions in this article, "How do I enable Automatic Claims Status Updates?".

Once this feature is enabled, your claims will automatically move over as they are processed (it typically takes 30-45 business days).

2. You manually enter the information in our app, after you receive your Explanation of Benefits letter in the mail from your insurance company. If you don't want to enable the "Automatic Claim Status Updates" feature, you can manually enter your EOB information in our app, and then the claims will move over into the "Processed by Insurance" section after you enter the information. 

To manually add EOB information, tap the blue button on any claim in the "Sent to Insurance" section, then select "No Thanks" when asked if you want to enable the "Automatic Claim Status Updates" feature. If more than 30 days have passed since you filed the claim, you will be able to manually add your EOB information (the amount paid towards your deductible and/or the amount that was reimbursed to you). If fewer than 30 days have passed since you filed your claim you will not be presented with the option to manually enter your EOB information. 

Please send an email to [email protected] if you have enabled Automatic Claim Status Updates and your claims are not automatically moving to the “Sent to Insurance” section of our app.